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Show: Heritage Day at St Georges Park (PE)
It was funny, let us tell you, that time we got invited to play at the Heritage Day celebrations.

Claire Griffiths (left) played some radio static and cell phone beeps for us that day. The clean shaven guy in the middle is me (Toast). I am wearing my favourite cap which said ‘Welcome Bar - Serowe’ which I lost shortly after this photo was taken. Behind me is Jon Savage on drums. The handsome fuck on the right is Erns Grundling (a member of Die Colchester Vier). I’m pretty sure Jane Breetzke played piano for us that day, though I can’t see her in this picture. Leanne Rencken drove the car, I think, I know, yes, I know. Weather 40 all in all. This photo was published in Die Burger and (I think) taken by Werner Hills.
They chased us off the stage halfway through our gig for - apparently - swearing too much. It was during a song called ‘Hansie Cronje, product placement and something or other’ - Hansie was still very much alive at this stage. We didn’t kill him. God did.