Our excuses include broken laptop (it smoked, we have a witness), holiday, Christmas, unChristmas, last minute parties because a good friend (below) got on a plane and flew to another country, 2005 dying, 2006 starting, driving in hot cars for thousands of kilometres, exploring new places, having to re-install all our software because of aforementioned smoking laptop etc.
But here we are. The album is - you must be sick and tired of this now - almost done. After Paul Ressel mixed it lank nice down here in Cape Town, we wanted something different with some of the vocals and so Jon got Neal Snyman to fiddle with it up in Joburg. Soon it will be mastered. Gil is busy creating the artwork. He is also doing artclasses now, so watch it.
The album is now almost certainly called ‘Die Tirannie Van Die Onmiddellike’, which means what it says.
We have our clever tjommie Johann Rossouw to thank for that one. It’s a translation from some French philosoper, which we promise we’ll find out about and tell you all you need to know.
We’re still out of Jou Medemens Is Dood stock, will let you know when we’ve got more. In the meantime, try your local CD store. You never know.